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Orange County Sanitation District

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ocsdInnerline Engineering has been under contract with OCSD since 2003. The company has inspected more than a million feet of sanitary sewer pipe since then.


Eastern Municipal Water District

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easternInnerline Engineering has been under contract with EMWD since 2000. The company has been the primary CCTV inspection company for its 1,500 miles of sewer pipe. EMWD also uses our cleaning services on a regular basis.


City of Fullerton

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fullertonInnerline Engineering has been working in the City of Fullerton for a number years on an on-call basis. However, in 2005, Innerline completed the inspection of 500,000 feet of sewer pipe in the city.


City of Hawthorne

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hawthorneAt the end of 2009, Innerline Engineering completed an inspection project for the City of Hawthorne. During the two phases of the project, the entire city’s sewer infrastructure was completed.

The prime on this project was Tetra Tech.


City of La Puente

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lapuenteIn the Winter of 2008, Innerline Engineering completed a pipeline evaluation project for the City of La Puente. The prime on the project was AAE Engineering. The total footage inspected during this project was almost 250,000 linear feet.


City of Pomona

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pomonaInnerline will complete 50 miles of pipeline inspections in the City of Pomona in the Fall of 2009. The project prime is Tran Consulting Engineering, from San Diego. Innerline Engineering is joined on the project with Pro Pipe.

This is a time sensitive project that must be completed in 18 weeks.


City of Corona

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coronaA few years ago, the City of Corona retired its collections fleet and contracted with Innerline Engineering to maintain its sewer lines. With daily crews cleaning sewer lines, cleaning hot spots and responding to SSO’s, Innerline had positioned itself as a valuable asset to the City.

In addition, Innerline Engineering completed the inspection of the city’s entire 2.2 million feet of sanitary sewer lines in the Spring of 2009.


Metropolitan Water District

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metroIn the Spring of 2009, Innerline Engineering was contracted to inspect all of the sewer lines at the MWD desert pump plants. These pump plants were constructed in the 1930’s in order to convey water from the Colorado River to Southern California.

Inspecting aging sewer infrastructures at Whitsett Intake Pump Plant, Gene Pump Plant, Iron Mountain Pump Plant, Eagle Mountain Pump Plant and Julian Hines Pump Plant proved to be a challenge. With a large percentage of sewer pipe of only 4 inch in diameter, push rod systems were required in order to complete the inspection process.


City of Ontario

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ontarioInnerline Engineering is currently in the middle of a two year project in the City of Ontario. This project entails cleaning and inspecting the entire city, which totals over two million feet of sewer pipe.

This project has had its challenges with numerous easements and heavily traveled roads. By continuing to stay ahead of schedule, Innerline Engineering will complete this project in the Spring of 2010.


City of San Diego

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Innerline Engineering has participated in various CCTV inspection programs with the City of San Diego since 2000. The total inspection footage that Innerline has completed so far exceeds one million feet.

In 2002, Innerline participated in the award winning project, Canyon Sewer Inspections with over 250,000 feet of remote inspections. This project required hand carrying inspection equipment into canyons, sometimes up to a mile away.


City of Vista

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vistaIn the Spring of 2009, Innerline Engineering completed a CCTV inspection project in the City of Vista. With RBF Consulting as the project leader, Innerline Engineering and Affordable Pipeline Services teamed up to inspect over one million feet of sanitary sewer pipe.

Over the next few years, the City of Vista will be using the information gathered during this project to rehabilitate their sewer system.